Eternal Zion
Welcome to Eternal Zion. We educate humanity on how to free their minds from the shackles and chains of the government. We want to provide education, music, spiritual guidance, and books that will aid in your mastery of intelligence and wealth.
What does Eternal Zion offer?
Eternal Zion offers knowledge on how to become a Secured Party Creditor, using UCC law, exercising God given rights, discharging debts, uplifting high frequency music, webinars about how to be a free living being, how to earn and store crypto, and how to become a national and live privately.
WE also accept consultations where WE will teach how to scale your business, start a 508C1A ministry, become a crypto specialist, file all SPC paperwork, and so much more!
Our Services
Eternal Zion offers a plethora services that seek to aid humanity into the golden age of information and The Great Awakening.
High frequency healing energetically adds complementary components to the music by Eternal Zion as she engineers binaural frequencies into her compositions.
Learn more about Uniform Commercial code and how to strategically apply specific Ucc laws to place establishments, judges, officers, etc on notice for being in violation of your rights.
Consult with Eternal Zion and learn the knowledge obtained by her to use to your advantage in the system of economics and governmental tyranny.
We will guide you in creating a ministry either by consultation or we will put together your ministry for you, and file all necessary paperwork.
Become a Secured Party Creditor and learn first hand how to use contract law to defend yourself in commerce. Eternal Zion has paperwork for all to file with instructions, she also offers a consult to do the paperwork for you.
Eternal Zion offers a very popular service of starting an LLC for the individuals interested in starting a business. We will also consult and walk you through the process.
What is Uniform Commercial code?
The Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) is a set of laws governing commercial and business transactions as adopted by U.S. states. It is a comprehensive set of uniform laws that apply to all commercial transactions, including the sale of goods, leasing of goods, contracts, and negotiable instruments. The UCC is updated periodically to keep up with changes in the economy, technology, and business practices. The government refuses to teach UCC law as it could cause their system of commerce to crash. Everyone would begin to discharge their own debts, use bonds, security agreements, affidavits and even 1099a to purchase assets and fund treasury direct accounts.
What is a Secured Party Creditor?
Why become SPC?
Becoming a secured party creditor is a great way to protect your interests in the case of a loan or other transaction. Secured party creditors are guaranteed to be paid back first in the event of a default or bankruptcy. This means that your loan or other transaction is more secure and less likely to be lost in the process. Additionally, secured party creditors can take certain legal actions, such as filing a lien, to ensure that their interests are protected.
Benefits of SPC
Major benefits of becoming a secured party creditor include:
Discharging debts
Filing Tax exemption as a national
Becoming sovereign
File security liens
Use of affidavits
Use of conditional acceptance
Bonds, Securities, Treasury notes and more can be used to purchase assets
Paperwork that protects your estate
Cons of SPC
Major cons of becoming SPC include:
Must be fluent in contract law
Will be challenged by government policies
Must represent self in court
Hard to find creditors after discharging debt
Govt aid could cease if debt was discharged with govt agency
Must close certain accounts before disputing