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26 pages of pure information!

Includes very detailed step by step guide to claiming nationalism

Includes special information on how to obtain a 5 star non - citizen passport card

How to fill out a 1099 a form and use it for purchase

Special information on forms needed to secure tax exemption

How to file for tax exempt status as a foreign national

How to obtain a 98 ein number also known as itin

How to officialize and form a foreign trust with offshore account



This book includes very detailed information on how to officially become a national of the United states. It also includes rare information on how to claim back your strawman and officialize documentation and full access to strawman trust. This book is the perfect guide for someone looking to free themsleves from the United States jurisdiction.


This business guide contains:

Rare applicable knowledge of strawman identity

How to separate yourself form the u.s. jurisdiction without renunciating citizenship

How to notify multiple departments of newly found status

Full affidavit of status template

Web links to sources that lead you to more detailed information about nationality

26 page PDF document with table of contents



This book is designed in a way that even those new to this information can read this book and apply the knowledge. We want to provide a way for everyone to have access to this knowledge all in one place and eventually use this information to their advantage.


This product is not to be edited, shared, resold, or publicly posted. This document belongs to Eternal Zion and is considered confidential between Eternal Zion and the buyer of this product.

Nationalism and Strawman Guide

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